This currency convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 26, 2025.
Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of the currency and press the "convert" button. To show United States Dollars and just one other currency click on any other currency.
The United States Dollar is the currency in American Samoa (AS, ASM), British Virgin Islands (VG, VGB, BVI), El Salvador (SV, SLV), Guam (GU, GUM), Marshall Islands (MH, MHL), Micronesia (Federated States of Micronesia, FM, FSM), Northern Mariana Islands (MP, MNP), Palau (PW, PLW), Puerto Rico (PR, PRI), United States (United States of America, US, USA), Turks and Caicos Islands (TC, TCA), Virgin Islands (VI, VIR), Timor-Leste, Ecuador (EC, ECU), Johnston Island, Midway Islands, and Wake Island.
The United States Dollar is also known as the American Dollar, and the US Dollar.
The symbol for USD can be written $.
The United States Dollar is divided into 100 cents.
The exchange rate for the United States Dollar was last updated on March 26, 2025 from The International Monetary Fund.
The USD conversion factor has 6 significant digits.
130 comments about United States Dollars conversion
Currency Conversion Comments
Thanks. This is a very useful tool.
The tool is cool but it looks like these exchange rates are not updated on a very regular basis(should be at least daily).
The exchange rates are constantly updated from the International Monetary Fund. They usually update daily, but sometimes on weekends, or for less popular, rarely traded currencies it may take a couple days. In those cases, banks should be using a similarly old exchange rate.
What a Site ..!!!!
A very commendable site. Have recommended to my other colleagues in administration.
This is very useful site for knowing currency exchange rates... May add the information on latest site updation....
thanks for providing a useful service for travelers.
This site is so useful for everyone else from student up to the professionals. Always update your currencies everyday. Thanks A LOT!!!
This has been extremely helpful.
Thank You
Instant calcultor of worlds currancy.It saves lot of time. One need notremember the relationship of country and its currancy.
this instant calculator was very useful for me. it is a great tool for any one to use(especially me because I am studiying economics). Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
i think one of the Best site in world which give u instant exchange rate. great work
Awesome.However I need to know what is $1.00 USD to China Currency.
This website is coming from a good heart. No ads, etc. A big help to everyone.
I love this site. It's very useful to a tourism student like me who needs to be updated with the exchange rate of different countries. keep up the good work.
This is a precise calculator.
this is really one of the best sites fo currency calculation
Accurate and very easy to use
I almost cried when I used this site. It's the most wicked site I've ever been to on the topic of Currency Exchange. Rock on, my friend. Rock on. Another reason this site kicks serious can is its ability to use significant figures. I don't even know what significant figures are, but those are some big words, and they help to even out some wicked big numbers. Especially the Tanzanian one. I almost bit the wave when I saw how ginormous it was. I'm so stoked to see the next edition of this website. You know, when it doesn't include the U.S. dollar at all because the U.S. economy will go so far into debt that their money won't be worth anything. I have a dollar sitting on my bedstand. It'll be there for a while. I'm saving it for that wicked day when America goes to the dogs and I'll be the only one left with a green, paper dollar. Seriously stoked. Anyway, I should probably jet to catch a look at my myspace. Come visit me, for real, I need more friends. Add me. Comment me. If you're not a U.S. resident, tell me
FAST ACCESS, Very helpfull, Accurate, Easy to use
This is a big help to many people i'm sure. Thanks for doing this!!!!
Very easy to use, it's user's friendly. I like it, it gives me the tantamount I wish for...
Specially I use to convert USD to PHP
this is a very useful site except where is P,R puerto rico
pretty neat...
It is soooooo helpful. I got my school project done with the help from this site!!! THANKS CIONMILL!!!!!!!!
Very handy for those of us with relatives overseas!
Very Very easy & use full.
really a great site!!!!!!!
way better than others!!!!!
Give me an idea about the world currency specially when I need to excahnge money.
Very good site, and we appreciate this site.
nice. i feel rich now.
This site is somewhat user hostile in that it is very difficult for me to find the country I want among several columns. Having to read both up and down and across is very hard on my eyes. A single list, no matter how long, would be much easier for me to use.
THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST USEFUL SITES ON THE WEB, there is great freedom were you can convert any currency regardless of country. it prepares your mind and enables you to make policy favours both the pros and learners.
please keep it up and keep us informed.
Very un common and very usefull!!!!!!!!!
I needed to know the Ghanaian Cedi equivalent od a Sterlin sum and it was so easy. Thanks to Google for finding this for me. A good site.
it gave me more than i ask for..
it`s just wonderfull
very easy to find currency rates. very good..
This is very good site to find currency rates.
This page is great, it gave me everything I asked for, because of it I finished my project in one day.
give me a break who cares about your eyes it shortens the page and its in alphabetical order across. at the end of a line it starrts ove in the next line. doesnt take an einstein to realize that so give me a break
It tells you exactly the amount of currency
rates in just a click with a mouse!! Awesome!!
I think this is very informative..... Keep it up... great job you guys
This website is amazing for a traveler like myself
You guys rock! Simple, functional, fast, efficient! Greatest thing in the world!
its a very good site and is very easy to find the currency one needs.
its covering almost all countries.ita really a good info.....
try this:
after you do the conversion, hold down the CTRL key and then hit the F key.
then type in the country name, or even part of it, that you are looking for. click "find next".
What a site, Very helpful to those of us who travel around the Glove, and have necessity to exchange Different currency's.
Thanks a Million.
No hassle, well organized
What could I say than thank you
Very helpful, thank you.
it is so helpful , useful, amazing ,wonderful site. it provide curncey rates . it is curncey converter. what a site.
wow...this site was so helpful!! this helped me know how much money i needed to bring when i go to norway for school!! thank you so much coin mill!!! i love it
>3 sarah
This is actually a very good site, and if the last update date is mentioned that would be perfect:)
very handy, keep it up
When I was talking to my friend he planned to go to Norway so I check out the currency. I found other countries as well. Im from Fiji and found that US currency slow down raising. How hard is that to know other countries have made so far! Great information.
I need this in my business... very helpful site. Thanks
this site was a great help in translating to all currency's for an assignment. thanks yay!
workin good keep it up coz you just helped me alot
This is just the sort of online rescource I've been looking for. Excellent work!
A conversion table that tells it like it is and very fast
It's people like you that make this world a better place. Thank you for this free service I am sure it was not easy putting it together. Just wanted to let you know that I'ts many I am sure.
Not a traveler or even into currancy exchanges just ventured unto site and found it to be a very INTERESTING site. Loved to see the difference in currancy worldwide.
Been looking for currency exchange sites for ever this must be all we could ask for, please guys how could you complain about something for free, if need a country not listed I think you could always ask for it but please do not put this sit down complaining about trimings
Thanks for a site very well done
This is the best rate conversion calculator that I ahave come acrossed. Great job
I will let all my friends know about it.
Thanks for this very useful and informative site... More Power...
I usually need a currency converter when i make proposals, this thing will save a lot of my time.
I am going to use this as much as possible.
Ummm - Brianna if you would have studied Geography you would know that Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth of the United States of America. Everything over there is pretty much the same as in the the drum roll please....U.S. Dollars!!!
Good Stuff! Amazing!!
Good Job done by site developers
This site helps me while testing related to currency conversion and code
One of my customer reaveled how difficult it was to find out Nrs to US$ until he got your site.
A great job you have done for us for swift coversion.
A great currency converter site!!!!!!!!!!
Great Job.
very much useful tools indeed.
This is a really nice effort to bring all foreing curriencies at one place.. Really Impressed!
A cool tool to get the currencies converted in seconds....... good work..
Very useful site
I am also a software engg,but i really impressed with tool designers and support team. whatever technology used,it is really fast.
It saves a lot of time. Truly great site.. very useful.. thanks.
the best currency convertor ever used
This is very good. Calculations are instant and accurate. Thanks for the job well done
this is very usefull .. good work and happy that it is updated regularly..
It's really helpfull one... thanks for this
Yeah it is Amazing yar
A gem of a site: all you ever needed, without wasting time on all you may have wanted!
this site is good
they always update unlike other sites
sickkkkkkkk.... kool
i love this site...helps me figure out my rates out for when i move to canada from the usa
A site that converts old U.S. currency ('30-'00) to new U.S. currency.
Wonderful tool and a wonderful Idea simply Awesome....
It gives you an explict overview of current currency exchange... and saves time and mind from stupid mathmatical calculations of converting one currency equavalent value for another..
this site is very cool really as it helps me instantly with what i need i never thought there could be anything nice like this! keep up the good work!
this site simply ROCKS, ive never checked soo many exchange rates in such a short period of time.. GREAT SITE.. two thumbs up!
A very good guide
i used this for school and it is awesome!
infact it is a fantastic and amazing site to all user. i love it and i want you to keep it up. kudos to you.
how much is 28 usa money
I want you...... To keep it up
This site let people know about the value of money in their country and other contries around the world.
this site is cool
but you should put up a matematical formula on how you get these certain numbers
how useful..and my assignment in just a click away!yyy..
I recommended this site to my colleagues
It was perfect for my project!
Great and Amazing effort.
this is really very useful for me and for a lot of people, nice work dude, keep it up please.
it hepls us to find what we need for..
I like it very much, great full, TQ
for an old lady who is computer "d*u*m*b" this is great!
Really it's great
finally, i found something interesting
A fantastic easy to convert...keep it up!
this site is very useful
thanks a lot
i guess
I'm agree it is a useful tool. Unfortunely, at the same time I'm also doubt that when it have been updated. The time of updating should show it.
it's to goooooooooooooooooddddd
I need a local branch to convert my dollars to euros, coz am going to italy
I like the fact that the conversion chart shows exchange rates for your particular money into several diferent currencies at once. This is very helpful when I am planning a trip or travelling to different countries in a short time period.
this site is very useful to me...
thanksss...woop wopp..
thanx so much for the help it was really usefull!
Thank you so much again
I will be sure to reccomend the site
Very very Use full
It help me a lot..Thanx :-)
very helpful to see all rates in one page
this site looks very nice, but unfortunately it's not updated at all. it should be regularly updated (at least once a week)
i fill rich as I don't what
i was looking for a good site to convert money.its cool man, dis wat i was luking for WOW
This site is really helpful for me to tranlate my QAR to USD, thanks!
Dis website is so helpful! I had 2 do a projest about Barbados' currency and this conversion chart really helped me alot!:)
maybe should use bigger text boxes for BIG amounts of $$$
I searched for a good ccy conversion site and finally i found this site. Its really amazing......
Amazing sight
One of the greatest online tools to determine the ever decreasing buying power of the US dollar. It's amazing that there is so many different currencies!
the only converter that my firewall doesnt block so thanks and well done for makeing it